Ian Costello
🗞️  swe at Google fighting spam, building our channel partner product, and more.
🎨  buildingEasl - the #1 app for creativity.
🗞️  swe at Google working on the future of advertising without 3rd party cookies: Privacy Sandbox, user privacy, and regulatory compliance.
🎥   created AI video translation platform for creators calledLingoAideveloped novel foundational models and worked with 10+ creators who had 25+ million subscribers.
🎓  computer science + math at the University of Maryland
🐢  helping UMD entrepreneurs atStartup Shell (Co-Executive) andContrary (Venture Partner)
🎵  consulting with Yeezy Tech x Kano Computing onStemplayer
🔨  help the next 20 million users enter crypto with accessible NFTs at Memento
🔍 open-source knowledge graphsand model validation as SWE Intern at Google
🔬  nation-scale disease simulation; optimizing supercomputer resource allocation atPSSG